About Us
So who is…
Steve Mitchell
Steve Mitchell is ranked as one of the ‘Top 100 Hall of Fame’ Network Marketing professionals in the world! – BusinessForHome.org
Steve Mitchell is now ranked as one of the leading network marketers in the world. Voted as one of the ‘Top 20 Global Network Marketers’ in a recent poll by the highly respected BusinessForHome.org industry authority website. Steve has also broken through the six-figure a month income level putting him in the ‘Top 100 Networking Industry Income Earners’ (ranked #65), and is also recognised in the ‘Global Ambassadors Of Network Marketing – Hall Of Fame 2018′.
In addition to winning some of the top accolades in the networking profession, he has qualified for new cars, exotic holidays, rank achievements, and has been amongst the highest performers and income achievers with every company he has worked with, earning a 7-figure lifestyle.
Steve has clearly proven that it is not just about being in the right place at the right time as he’s duplicated his success with the success of people in his teams, over and over again. He is one of only a handful of network marketing professionals in Europe that have built 6 separate networks, each with Distributor network numbers in the tens of thousands. His track record of changing lives demonstrates that.

More importantly, in Steve’s opinion, is the fact that he has helped literally tens of thousands of people around the world positively change their lives, by helping them to have more money and more freedom of time to do the things that really matter to them.
With all this achievement Steve is very quick to turn the light off himself and onto those in his team he works closely with – “The key to this business is not being a star… but being a ‘starmaker’! To achieve success in network marketing you have to focus on one thing – help others be successful. The success I have enjoyed is totally due to ensuring and enabling there is a proven ‘system’ for people to follow to enable OTHERS to be successful”
Steve goes on to say…
“There are two things people need to achieve quickly when they start out on their network marketing career…
Firstly, they need to get results fast. By results we mean helping people to achieve a growing global team of people who are all consuming and promoting the products. This in turn will result in money earned by the individual.
Secondly, they must have fun! People don’t get enough fun out of life and it’s important to help change that.”
As Steve concludes “having fun, making money and improving lives – that has to be a great way to live life!”

Our Life Before…
Steve & Yvette Mitchell’s life before was very different…
Steve Mitchell, with the support of Yvette, his wife, has been involved in the industry of relationship marketing since 1989, but though this Englishman has already achieved a great deal, the path to becoming one of Europe’s most successful networkers was not easy, with his network marketing success story starting from being totally broke.
Back 30+ years ago Steve Mitchell owned a thriving chain of successful pizza and pasta restaurants, earning him a fortune. For seven years, things went fantastic; his income was very high and he had the lifestyle to go with it. But then within the space of two years the market changed and Steve admits he didn’t change fast enough with the conclusion that his pizzerias went bust and Steve lost everything.
“I didn’t have a bean left” says Steve, “in fact my sister had to lend me the money to join my first networking company. But I did hold on to three very important things – I had a massive Desire to get it all back, and an unwavering Commitment to do whatever it took to work hard to rebuild back my fortune. I knew Desire and Commitment wouldn’t be enough – I needed to act… take Massive Action, and fast!”
Steve still upholds these three factors – Desire and Commitment, combined with Massive Action – as three vital attributes everyone needs to make a success of building a network marketing business.
Today, Steve Mitchell is financially independent once again, living a lifestyle most people dream about – he literally has made millions. He is happily married; both his children have recently graduated with high-level degrees, and with homes dotted around the globe and all the toys that come with financial freedom means he never has to endure another ‘winter’ (unless of course he wants to go skiing that is).
The Early Years…
We’ll let Steve take it from here in his own words…
“I want to be remembered for positively impacting and changing people’s lives …I’d like YOUR world to be better for knowing me!
My mother is mostly Irish, my dad was English (I say ‘was’ because he died in a car-crash when I was 13 …these things happen). When my mum and dad got married they were both in the Navy, though my dad didn’t really enjoy it (the Navy, not my mum!). Even as an officer he decided to get out early and went into Sales – probably where my ‘sales & marketing’ gene came from. My growing up years were wonderful – only one big blip around my early teens when I lost my dad – but both my sisters and I were dearly loved by my ‘rock of a mother’, and we had a cherished time as we coped in a single-parent environment. I left Oaklands Grammar School, Portsmouth with 9 O levels; went on to do my A levels, though only got 2 as I spent more time on the local golf course trying to improve my swing!
I decided to go to art college to do my graphic design degree, but soon realised I was quite an ‘average’ graphic designer, and so I cut loose to pursue what was to be one of my biggest hot buttons – travel. I spent a couple of months touring the West Coast of the USA, and almost a year in Australia as a DJ (as one of my other hot buttons had surfaced – music!).
Eventually I returned home in my early twenties and decided entrepreneurship was my destiny, so I set up a pizza business, based on an idea I’d picked up in USA and in OZ – my minor claim to fame was I was one of the first in the UK to deliver pizzas to the door; forget conquering Everest, is that not a serious pinnacle of achievement!
My pizza business thrived (at least for the first 7 years); I got married, had two wonderful children; had the success, the money, the lifestyle – at least I thought, but then it all changed. The reasons now are almost academic but the conclusion was I lost everything – house, cars, bank accounts, kids almost removed from private schools, the lot gone, and so had to start again.
So in my early 30’s that’s exactly what I did. I learned new skills – discovered the internet, learned to network, build contacts, nurture relationships, help others to achieve success – and in doing all this, I too again found success in a different way. Yes, I again achieved the financial independence, but this time with clear definition of what was truly important to me – my family, my friendships, my quality of life, the value of time, the importance of looking after yourself, and the deep satisfaction achieved through contribution.
So here I am now in good financial shape, pretty healthy (OK, I need to drink less wine but as the saying goes ‘life’s too short to drink cheap wine’), blessed with my lovely Yvette as my wife, fabulous relationships with two of my best friends – Josh & Grace, my children – and having many truly great friends. I can work when I choose, and where, with homes in the UK and abroad. Plus the time to do pretty much what I want, when I want; the opportunity to travel and embrace new countries and ‘experiences’, all the time recognising the importance of constantly developing myself…
…and all this gives me the opportunity now to meet new, exciting, interesting people, and establish new friendships – that’s YOU by the way! I’m looking forward to us all helping each other along the ‘journey of success’… but let’s make sure we enjoy the ‘journey’, together.
Footnote: I was just asked by someone recently what gets me out of bed excited to do business each morning? Great question! My ultimate business goal is twofold…
- “my smaller goal – to significantly change the lives of as many people as possible, helping them to achieve the lives they really want”
- “my bigger goal – to help create 100 truly ‘happy’ millionaires”.
As Zig Ziglar said, “help enough people get what they want, and you will then get what you want”.